Holistic Wellness:
The Journey of True Healing
with Nala’s Wisdom

The journey of true healing often takes us to unexpected places and introduces us to people who profoundly impact our lives. This was the experience of Maciek Lyko, the founder of Spa Mariana and the American Massage Therapy Institute (AMTI). His pursuit of holistic wellness was shaped by the transformative experiences he had at the Atmanjai Resort and Detox Center.

Through his experiences with Nala, a renowned teacher at Atmanjai, Maciek not only improved his physical health but also deepened his spiritual awareness, uncovering layers of his being that he was previously unaware of. Maciek is sharing these insights with the hope that they can benefit others on their journeys to holistic wellness and self-discovery.

At Spa Mariana and AMTI, there is a strong belief in the transformative power of holistic wellness. It’s a form of healing that transcends the physical and delves deep into the mind and spirit. We actively encourage detox programs as a key component of this approach, helping clients cleanse both body and mind. Recently, our founder Maciek Lyko had the privilege of learning from Nala, an insightful teacher at the Atmanjai Resort and Detox Center. Nala shared profound practices for uncovering our true nature and achieving a healthy lifestyle.

The Power of the Mind and Ego
in Holistic Wellness

Nala teaches that the most powerful step towards true health is calming the dysfunctional aspects of the mind and releasing trapped traumas. This journey requires extreme personal ownership and the highest integrity. Nala emphasizes the importance of letting go of wasteful knowledge-seeking and excessive analytical thinking, which can prevent us from experiencing sustained silence and peace in mind.

True aliveness, as Nala explains, can only be found in the present moment. Worry and suffering, rooted in past or future concerns, are illusions that detract from the clarity and grace with which we should respond to life. By embracing pure awareness and quieting the noise of the mind, individuals can free themselves from unnecessary suffering and move closer to achieving better Mind and spirit healing.

Holistic Wellness Strategies and Practices for True Healing

Maciek learned several powerful Natural healing techniques from his teacher that can help achieve a state of aliveness and clarity:

  • Ho'oponopono

    This ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness can be applied to a multitude of circumstances like past, present, and future. Whether it’s healing family histories or addressing a fleeting judgment, the power of forgiveness can release trapped energies and bring profound peace. The practice is simple: “I am sorry, forgive me, thank you, I LOVE YOU.”

  • Energetic Hygiene

    Maintaining clean and high-functioning energy systems is crucial for holistic wellness. Nala advises planning activities like shopping in the early mornings when the energy in places like supermarkets or malls is lighter and more forgiving. This simple practice helps in preserving energetic well-being.

  • Morning Routine

    Starting the day with ecstatic dancing, followed by cold water immersion, can clear dysfunctional energy, preparing the body and mind for a day of meditation and mindfulness. Nala emphasizes that meditation should be a “not doing”. It's a state of pure awareness and mindfulness where one observes without effort, allowing the mind to settle into stillness. This practice is vital for achieving mental clarity and emotional healing.

  • Exploring and Healing the Ego

    Awareness of the ego’s tricks and traps is key to overcoming them, one of the best natural healing techniques. Nala encourages vigilance against fears, low self-worth, shame, and other ego-driven programs that hinder growth. With unconditional love, surrender, and service to others, these dysfunctional patterns can be dissolved, allowing individuals to embrace their true nature. This is essential for personal growth and spiritual growth.

The Path to Holistic Wellness of the Peaceful Warrior

Nala concludes with a powerful reminder: The path of healing and self-realization is not always easy, but it is the highest path possible in spiritual growth. By committing to this journey with love, grace, and playfulness, individuals can transform themselves and positively impact the world around them.

About Nala:

Nigel Kirkwood (Nala) is associated with Atmanjai Wellness Spa & Detox Center in Phuket, Thailand. He is known for his expertise in health, spiritual practices, and detoxification techniques. Atmanjai is a popular destination for those looking to engage in Personal transformation practices, detox programs, and spiritual growth.

Nala’s teachings and practices focus on detoxification, mindfulness, and helping individuals achieve a deeper connection with their true selves. He guides clients through various wellness programs, including juice fasting, raw food diets, and other natural healing techniques that aim to revitalize both the body and mind.

For those interested in learning more about his teachings or programs at Atmanjai Wellness Spa & Detox Center, Nala can be contacted at growvibrant@icloud.com. If you want to work with Nala and uncover your unlimited power, inner joy, and peacefulness, reach out to him today.